AJ vs Range Answer Key

Wondering what the answers were for the Ace Jack vs Range quiz? Here they are along with Flopzilla screenshots to show you the exact answer. In the bottom-right hand corner of each screenshot you’ll see a box showing if the range or our AJ is ahead…and you’ll also see the equities of both ranges. This may be a bit mind-bottling if you’ve never done this before…but getting a feel for this is huge. I’ll also embed a long video I did showing how to use Flopzilla down below in case you are interested in learning more about this powerful software:

AJ vs 22-JJ/54s+/AT-AQ/KJ-KQ/KTs on J♦ T♦ 7♣

AJ vs 88+/AJ+/KQ on Q♥ J♠ 8♣

AJ vs 22-JJ/54s+/AT-AQ/KJ-KQ/KTs on A♠ 8♠ 7♥

AJ vs 2ndpair + gutshots+ on JT6K

AJ vs 2ndpair + FD/OESD on AT68

Want to learn how to use Flopzilla? This long video will show just how awesome this software is. Get it today with a 7 day free trial directly from flopzilla.com


My name is James "SplitSuit" Sweeney and I'm a poker player, coach, and author. I've released 500+ videos, coached 500+ players, and co-founded the training site Red Chip Poker. Contact me if you need any help improving your poker game!

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