Interested in downloading the GTO+ gametree for the TT on Q83AT hand? Just enter your email address in the form below (you may need to deactivate your adblocker to see it)

Downloading & Using This File
Step 1: This file requires you to own GTO+, otherwise the file won’t work at all. If you need to buy a copy of GTO+, check out the GTO+ Bundle via Red Chip Poker which comes with a lifetime license for the software along with a complete training course for using it like a pro.
Step 2: Enter your email address in the form above and then hit the download link. Once completed, the download will automatically begin.
Step 3: Open GTO+, go to File > Open, navigate to your downloads folder, and open the file.
Step 4: Poke around the hand and enjoy. If you find anything interesting, let us know in the Discord!